Fight Back With Fungicides From P&H
June 30, 2024
After a wet seeding season in parts of Canada this growing season, it’s important to scout your crops often and assess frequently for signs of disease pressure during the early growing stages. Along with frequent scouting, fungicides are another option to help protect your seeding investment during the most vulnerable growing stages.
Crop Considerations
When deciding to apply an in-crop fungicide there are a few considerations including crop variety and disease rating. It’s important to consider the realistic expectations for your crop based on the chosen variety and current environmental factors.
The Right Timing
The timing of a fungicide application for disease control is critical when used as a preventative measure. Knowing when to scout fields is important for identifying what diseases are present and what stage of the crop is best for fungicide application.
Fusarium and other diseases can threaten your crops’ health and put your maximum profit potential at risk.
Selecting the Right Type of Fungicide
There are different types of fungicides and choosing the right type for the current conditions is crucial.
- Single-site Fungicide – Single-site fungicides for crops are active against only one point in the metabolic functioning of a fungus, or against a single critical enzyme necessary for its survival. These can also be systemic.
- Multi-site Fungicide – Multi-site fungicides work by targeting multiple metabolic sites within a fungus. Since there are multiple target sites, these fungicides are usually at a lower risk of contributing to fungicide resistance.
The rise in fungicide resistance across Western Canada requires a strategic approach to their use. Be sure to reach out to your P&H Agronomist for guidance on what’s happening in your area this season. P&H will work with you through these considerations and help you pick a product that will meet your needs and match current conditions.