Button Up Your Crop Planning with P&H Heading into the 2025 Season

February 6, 2025

The 2025 growing season is just around the corner. Even though the ground might still be covered with snow and cold temperatures persist, your local P&H is here to help you prepare for spring and finish off your crop planning.
We have skilled and knowledgeable staff with a combination of training and generational expertise who can provide guidance throughout the season. At key locations across our P&H network, we conduct trials and tests on new products so that we can make sure that we can provide the right fit for your needs.
Secure your crop inputs
While farmers have most of their seed bookings all but finished by this time, we continue to provide seed recommendations and work closely with our customers on their crop nutrition and crop protection needs.

Many farmers opt to have soil sampling done in the fall at the end of the season. At P&H, we use this time to review the results of those tests to put recommendations together and to guide our customers’ crop plans.
Depending on the results of your soil sampling, the crops that you are planning to grow and other factors, your fertility needs might differ. P&H has access to a wide range of fertilizer products and can recommend the best selection and blending for your farm. You can also book direct to farm deliveries and/or applications now as part of your season planning.

Crop protection is also a major purchase consideration at this time of year. As pest pressures vary on every farm, your local P&H can also provide guidance on the right seed treatments, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides for your operation.
Take advantage of our agronomic services
Although soil sampling can be done in the fall, you can still book a pre-season soil sampling test at your local P&H to help guide your 2025 crop plan.  

Before the season starts, our trained agrologists can also come to your farm for crop scouting ahead of seeding. We can spot potential issues and can prescribe pre-seed burndown applications as needed to help give your crops the best start.

As you invest in crop inputs ahead of the season, we also offer a number of short and long-term credit programs to help manage cash flow during a time of year when there can be a lot of purchases for the farm.

Getting ready elsewhere on the farm
Another great way to plan for the season is to create a grain marketing plan for your crop already in the bin. Start a conversation with your grain originator to get the most out of your crop and plan for moving grain when it makes most sense for you.
As the weather starts to warm up, this time of year is also great for getting your seeding equipment ready. Inspect your seeders and planters to check on their condition should they need any maintenance before seeding starts. With seed purchased and equipment ready, you’ll be ready for seeding when conditions are right.
Take a break, if you can
The growing season can be a long grind. Some may find themselves with a shorter to-do list on the farm around this time of year. Once crop plans are done, we encourage you to use the wintertime to reset if you are able to get away. Whether you are driving to the next town, or taking off for warmer locales, a break may help you prepare mentally as well as you have already prepared everything else on the farm.

As a proudly Canadian company with more than 115 years of experience with farming in Canada, we are excited to enter another growing season with you. Find your local P&H to finalize your crop plan for 2025.