Grain pricing can be unpredictable, making it important to start early, make a plan, and stick to it. Here’s an overview of how you can create a plan that’s right for you.
By reserving space at your local elevator for your grain, you’re ensuring movement when the price is acceptable. Worldwide grain supply and demand determines the price of grain throughout the year and grain contracts separate price from supply and demand by setting prices in advance of delivery.
If you sign a GPO contract, you can sit back and wait until it’s triggered. No daily monitoring or calling around to local elevators. The benefit of our Fixed, Basis, and GPO contracts are that they allow you to take advantage of different market cycles to help you optimize your pricing and minimize your risk.
When markets rise, it may be tempting to hold onto your grain and wait for higher prices. By scaling your targets (i.e. 25% of your crop towards target 1, 20% of your crop towards target 2, etc.), you’ll be able to take advantage of market fluctuations while still profiting when certain benchmarks are hit.
(Expects futures to decline) |
Unsure | Bullish
(Expects future to increase |
BASIS OR PRICING SITUATION | Narrow | Wide | Narrow | Wide | Narrow | Wide |
STRATEGY | Spot Price | Spot Price | Lock in Basis &/or Fixed Price Contract | Fixed Price Contract &/or GPO | Lock in Basis | Multiple Fixed price contracts |
Fixed Price or GPO | Fixed Price | Split between a Fixed price contract &/or GPO (multiple Fixed price contracts &/or GPOs) | Split between a Fixed price contract &/or GPO (multiple Fixed price contracts &/or GPOs) | GPO Futures contract. Split between Basis contract and GPOs. | Multiple priced GPO contracts |
SUGGESTIONS | In either case of narrow or wide basis a bear is better to sell. | Look at selling small amounts to enhance marketing plans and ensure movement. Entering GPOs slightly above markets in small increments. | In all cases the seller should have multiple priced contracts to take advantage of the market rally. |
Price acceptable | Price not acceptable | |
Narrow | Wide | |
Fixed price contract | Lock in Basis | Fixed price contract |
Move grain | Move grain | Move grain & take market position |