Why Wait? Sign Up for Fast, Secure Direct Deposit Payments Today

Parrish & Heimbecker is offering a fast, easier and more secure way to get paid with direct deposit. This allows you to automatically receive funds directly into your bank account faster than ever before.

Start the Sign-Up Process Today

Direct Deposit FAQs

How Do I Sign Up?

P&H has an easy-to-use, secure direct deposit sign-up process. All you need is some standard banking information to complete the application. There are two methods to set up direct deposit:

Method #1 – DocuSign:

  1. To start, you’ll need a copy of a “void” cheque or a letter from your bank that confirms your banking details and uses a format that can be sent electronically.
    • If you are on your computer, save these in an easy to find location.
  2. Click here, you will be directed to DocuSign, which is a secure online platform we already use for P&H contracts, GPOs and other sensitive and protected information.
  3. Then you can use your information to complete and submit the online form for secure payment.
    • A step-by-step guideline on completing the form is available to download above.

Method #2 – Email/Fax:

  1. You can print out and email or fax us your completed direct deposit application form and a void cheque to directdeposit@pandh.ca or fax to 1-877-987-2788. The form is linked above.
What Documents Do I Need to Complete the Form?
  • Company Name: As it appears on your P&H Account – this could be your First and Last name or actual Company Name. NOTE: If the company name on your bank account differs from how the company name appears in your P&H account, please email directdeposit@pandh.ca.
  • P&H Account #: If you are unsure of your P&H Account #, refer to a prior Settlement document or Cheque stub
  • Contact Name: Who to contact if P&H has questions about this form
  • Phone Number: Of the Contact Name
  • Email for Settlements: This should match the email on your P&H account
How Long Does It Take to Sign Up? When Will I Receive Payments?

It should take 10 minutes or less to sign up. Your account will be completely set up within five business days, allowing you to start receiving deposits at that time.

What Can I Expect with My First Deposit? Will I Receive All the Same Information with a Physical Cheque?

You will receive all the same backup documentation you would get with a physical cheque. This will be provided to you when you receive your direct deposit, including payment and settlement information. These settlements can be sent to you by email or by mail.

Will There Be a Confirmation Call if My Bank Has Not Been Set Up with P&H Direct Deposit Banking?

Yes, if you are requesting setup for direct deposit to a bank account that has not been previously used to deposit a P&H cheque, you will receive a call from a P&H employee to confirm the banking information. This is to ensure the bank account is legitimate and the request did in fact come from the people officially connected to your account.

Can a Direct Deposit Payment Be Deferred?

Yes, direct deposit payments can be deferred.

Who Do I Contact if I Run Into Issues with the Form? 

Please email us at directdeposit@pandh.ca or contact your local P&H location.

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